
Next New

I think the next new form of media should definitely be the ability to mimic touch and physical feeling through video chatting. This may sound bizarre, but people really do value physical interaction. When video chatting, we are acknowledging that there is distance between us and the person we're speaking with so being able to interact with them physically will enhance that experience.

Wiki So Far

I'm still trying to think of what I want to contribute the the wiki and I need assistance navigating the site as well. I wanted my wiki to be about the development of internet and media trends. I want to look at factors that contributed to the hype surrounding "The Office" and things of that nature.


File sharing is the ability to lend files to someone over the internet whether it is through email or another source. P2P file sharing, otherwise known as peer-to-peer file sharing is the direct sharing of a music file or any type of media between friends. This can also be considered illegal since there is a lot to do with the management of digital rights and some of these acts can be considered as piracy. One example of peer-to-peer sharing is the Lending Club which allows people to file for a loan online and get assistance from peers. The interest rate on the loans are much cheaper compared to those of a bank.


New media is related to privacy issues because it can cause but help create new sources of media to alleviate the issue. Technology allows for a lot of sensitive information to be accessed easily and can get into the hands of the wrong people which is the downside. I read the article about the Target security breach a few years ago and a lot of people I personally know were victimized by the Target identity theft incident. This started the insertion of chips into cards that we utilize today. Now almost every bank offers the card with a chip since it it allows for safer transactions even at the ATM.


If I were hired to use new media at Baruch, I would ensure that we are using the platforms that we have established. For instance, I know that we have a Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. I don't think we should add anything but optimize on what we have. We need to attract a larger follower base by offering an incentive. For instance, we can do a giveaway for the next 5 followers on our Instagram page. I noticed that people mostly interact with content about Baruch news so we can post more of that content. Another observation of mine is that people are tweeting and mentioning our Twitter page but no one is responding or the page is often inactive which is an area of opportunity.

Creativity and New Media

Something that I've been actively working on for work is GIF creation. I currently assist with managing the social accounts for Lip Sync Battle with Chrissy Teigen and LL Cool J. I think that GIFs are a cool concept because they can be widely used and you can encapsulate one moment and loop it forever. Here is the link to one of the GIFs I created:

HW Creativity

The article that I was most fascinated by was "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" by Claire Cain Miller. It was written in 2009 so it's interesting to see the longevity of this user-innovated features such as "lists" and "retweets." The ability that companies give their consumers to innovate is of growing importance in the business environment. Consumers are the ones actively interacting with the interface. They know the product better than anyone else. This truly fosters creativity. As opposed to having a collective group of minds within one company come up with ideas, they outsource the innovation to users to give them an objective perspective on making changes. One company that has been receiving a lot of backlash lately from consumers is SnapChat. The user outcry has not yet been responded to, so we have yet to see what the outcome of this situation will be and whether SnapChat will take user input into account and implement changes.