HW Creativity

The article that I was most fascinated by was "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" by Claire Cain Miller. It was written in 2009 so it's interesting to see the longevity of this user-innovated features such as "lists" and "retweets." The ability that companies give their consumers to innovate is of growing importance in the business environment. Consumers are the ones actively interacting with the interface. They know the product better than anyone else. This truly fosters creativity. As opposed to having a collective group of minds within one company come up with ideas, they outsource the innovation to users to give them an objective perspective on making changes. One company that has been receiving a lot of backlash lately from consumers is SnapChat. The user outcry has not yet been responded to, so we have yet to see what the outcome of this situation will be and whether SnapChat will take user input into account and implement changes.


  1. This article was also of particular interest to me because of the fact that consumers know best.. sometimes! In the case of Twitter and most social media platforms, consumers are well aware of what they are willing to tolerate and what they need to make their browsing a little easier.


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