
New media is related to privacy issues because it can cause but help create new sources of media to alleviate the issue. Technology allows for a lot of sensitive information to be accessed easily and can get into the hands of the wrong people which is the downside. I read the article about the Target security breach a few years ago and a lot of people I personally know were victimized by the Target identity theft incident. This started the insertion of chips into cards that we utilize today. Now almost every bank offers the card with a chip since it it allows for safer transactions even at the ATM.


  1. I agree with you, since the advancement of new media in technology, privacy basically doesn't apply. I mean, like you said, things can be accessed too easily which hurts many people across the world. I don't know if this will ever be permanently fixed. I believe even if they came out with higher security online that someone would find a way to break it and it will be a never ending loop.

    Thanks for the post!


  2. I agree with you, with the ongoing advancement of technology, iI hope we are getting closer and closer to a safer world online. its very easy for your identity to be stolen online and it can cause you a lot of trouble. with the built in chips in the cards it has slow down the theft activity online, hopefully they can continue to improve and continue to strengthen one's identity as we progress.


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