
Showing posts from February, 2018

Project Proposal - Social Media Effects on Esteem

Social media is evidently of growing importance in society. As it is a new venture, there are new developments that emerge out of it constantly. One thing that has remained somewhat the same is the nature of its avid users, which is what my research will be about. I want to study the reason why we post things and what we expect the outcome to be when we post things like a "selfie." I plan to delve deeper into why this satisfies our esteem needs and how comments and "likes" give some a sense of validation. My research will focus on the psychological and sociological effects that social media has on a population as well as an individual. I want to go from micro-level effects to societal/macro-level implications. I may also go into how some companies are profiting economically off our esteem needs through social media networks.